Babysitter of child who died after not getting medical care speaks

New details have emerged in the death of a Woodward baby whose mother was arrested, accused of refusing to get him medical attention. The teenager who babysat the child described that traumatic day. Mykinzie Shaw had babysat for the family from the time she was 13. She said she always felt uncomfortable watching the sick boy alone because he was on oxygen. But she never knew how bad it was.|MORE| Oklahoma mother arrested in death of baby who needed but didn’t receive medical attention“She never mentioned anything to me that he was back on oxygen until she done left and he was in his playpen with oxygen machine right there and it was running,” she said of the boy’s mother.Three days a week, Shaw babysat at the Woodward mom’s home – something she loved to do. But the kids had health issues. The 14-month-old boy was born prematurely and was …

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Medical board disciplines San Diego doctor for signing COVID vaccine exemptions to patients he never treated

Dr. Brian First signed exemption letters for an 8-year-old and 6-year-old and later admitted they were never his patients

SAN DIEGO — The California Medical Board has disciplined San Diego doctor, Brian First, for signing COVID vaccine exemptions for two children who were not his patients.

According to medical board documents, First must undergo a 60-day professional ethics course and reimburse the state $6,200 for investigating the issue.

The medical board investigation said First, who practices at a Sharp Healthcare Senior Health Center, signed exemptions for an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old despite the fact that he “specializes in internal medicine and endocrinology and only treats adult patients ,” reads the documents.

During the board’s investigation, First said that he signed the exemptions for a friend’s two children.

According to the medical board documents, First said the two young children should be exempt from “all CDC-recommended vaccines ‘until more complete immunological

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Female veterans criticize gender disparities in VA medical system

HOUSTON — Navy veteran Tana Plescher said she was shocked by what a doctor told her when she sought care for a panic attack at a Veterans Affairs medical center in Texas.

“You’re a woman; I don’t know what to do with you,” she said he remarked.

The state’s restrictive abortion laws spotlight existing gender disparities within the VA medical system, according to former military women who shared their personal experiences during a listening tour held by Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Calif., chairwoman of the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health.

The VA does not provide any abortion services, even initial consultations, to women seeking more information about terminating their pregnancies. Unlike the Department of Defense, which provides abortions on military bases in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is at risk, the largest population of female veterans nationwide are left without options in Texas.

“We spent our

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Medical Advisory Board for ‘Dr. Oz Show’ Had People With No Medical Training

  • Dr. Mehmet Oz had a “medical advisory board” to support claims he made on “The Dr. Oz Show.”
  • The 43-member board included people with no medical training who promoted extreme and debunked treatments.
  • Claims they supported included drinking onion juice for the flu and subscription meal plans for curing cancer.

Republican candidate for US Senate representing Pennsylvania and former talk show host Mehmet Oz relied on a medical advisory board to support claims he made on “The Dr. Oz Show.”

Among practicing oncologists and certified psychologists, the board included people who had no formal medical training and promoted debunked treatments.

Dr. Ben Abella, an emergency physician in Philadelphia, told Insider the 43-member board projected an “aura of legitimacy” on Oz and his show, which ran for 13 seasons and was canceled last December after Oz decided to run for office.

Abella helped organize an event called

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Top doctors denounce government decision to shut Israel’s American medical schools

The head of a state-backed panel tasked with finding ways for Israel to train more doctors has condemned the government’s recent decision to shutter three medical schools that cater to foreign students to make room for more locals, maintaining that the contentious and costly move was unnecessary .

Earlier this month, the Council for Higher Education announced it was shuttering American medical programs at Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University and the Technion in order to replace the 130 foreign students that study in them with Israelis, in light of a growing doctor shortage in the country.

But on Wednesday, Prof. Rafael Beyar, who led the council’s own committee to investigate ways to boost Israeli medical student numbers, told The Times of Israel that there were other ways to reach the goal.

“[The committee] put forward a detailed plan for how to accept 400 additional medical students for four-year programs.

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